Top 10k strings from P.A.W. - Professional Adventure Writer (1986)(Gilsoft International)(Side A).dsk
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230 DONE 24 preposition 21 PRESENT 6 18 WHATO 16 Track-Info 16 MESSAGE 28 15 ; - - - - - - - - - 14 DESC 12 PRESENT 5 12 NEWLINE 12 MESSAGE 41 12 MES 47 12 MES 34 12 MES 33 11 END 10 OPEN DOOR AT 3 10 PROCESS 13 10 LT 51 255 9 PROCESS 5 8 ;One upper case character only 8 ZERO 13 8 SAME 38 54 8 PROCESS 11 8 MES 46 8 GT 54 252 8 AT 5 7 ERROR - Cannot open file :%s: 7 ZERO 18 6 _ _ NOUN2 BOX 6 _ BOX ADJECT1 _ 6 Time passes... 6 There isn't one of those here. 6 The _ isn't in the 6 File not found. 6 File name error. 6 File corrupt. 6 Directory full. 6 SYSMESS 26 6 NOTZERO 11 6 MESSAGE 59 6 MESSAGE 52 6 MESSAGE 50 6 MES 49 6 LET 20 1 6 EQ 20 2 6 EQ 13 2 6 ADJECT2 _ 5 There isn't one of those in the 5 The _ is in the 5 OPEN BOX ADJECT1 RED 5 I/O Error! File not Saved! 5 Disk full. 5 ;List the objects 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 (c) 1987 GILSOFT International Ltd. 5 SET 18 5 CLS 5 ADD 24 30 5 4 stack overflow 4 s the address 4 _ BOX ADJECT1 YELLO 4 ^#V#~#fo+| 4 What next? 4 Type in name of file. 4 The _ weighs too much for me. 4 TEWK2 SCE 4 Press any key to continue. 4 POUR BOTTL NOUN2 SUIT 4 OPEN DOOR AT 2 4 OPEN BOX PRESENT 6 4 LOOK _ LT 51 255 4 LOOK BOX PRESENT 5 4 LOOK BOX PREP IN 4 LOOK BOX ADJECT1 RED 4 LOOK BOTTL PRESENT 3 4 I've removed the _. 4 I've dropped the _. 4 I'm now wearing the _. 4 I'm not wearing the _. 4 I'm already wearing the _. 4 I don't have the _. 4 I don't have one of those. 4 I can't. I'm wearing the _. 4 I can't wear the _. 4 I can't remove the _. My hands are full. 4 I can't remove the _. 4 I already have the _. 4 ERROR EXIT %d 4 <>,;:=[]_%|()/\?*r 4 ;Tell player 4 ;!Gl"=k*lm 4 #5#([#^4#V 4 SET 23 4 PROCESS 9 4 PRESENT 2 4 NOTZERO 18 4 NOTDONE 4 MESSAGE 87 4 MESSAGE 54 4 MESSAGE 51 4 MESSAGE 48 4 MESSAGE 45 4 MESSAGE 39 4 MESSAGE 36 4 MES 86 4 MES 65 4 LT 51 7 4 LT 13 2 4 LET 13 2 4 LET 13 1 4 EQ 13 1 4 CLEAR 27 4 CLEAR 24 4 CHANCE 50 4 AT 3 4 ANYKEY 3 noun adjective 3 nothing at all. 3 conjugation 3 You have taken 3 You have scored 3 Would you like another go? 3 What should I do now? 3 What should I do next? 3 SAVE _ SAVE 3 QUIT _ QUIT 3 LOOK _ DESC 3 LOOK MANUA PRESENT 0 3 LOCK DOOR CARRIED 1 3 LOAD _ LOAD 3 It's too dark to see anything. 3 I'm not wearing one of those. 3 I have with me: 3 I can't go in that direction. 3 I can't do that. 3 I can't carry any more things. 3 I can also see: 3 Goodbye... 3 GET _ AUTOG 3 Are you sure? 3 ;which box the player means if no adjective is provided. I.e. by checking 3 ;to see which one is present, as there will only be one of the three if there 3 ;obj starts weight cont- wear/ 3 ;is no adjective, due to the first entries in this table. 3 ;ie Response Table 3 ;Vocabulary 3 ;Used after a location has been described 3 ;Player here as well? 3 ;Null word character is an underline 3 ;Message Texts 3 ;Location Texts 3 ;If the light source is present... 3 ;Deal with all the possiblities of Opening the various boxes. Working out 3 ;Database written to drive A 3 ;Control Section 3 ;Connections 3 0123456789ABCDEF 3 --------------------------- 3 ainer remove 3 MESSAGE 42 2 to burn my skin and ominous dark fins circle slowly in the clear blue water. 2 the cursor in the top left hand corner. 2 j 2 _ _ SYSMESS 26 ;If not an object or a word assume 2 _ _ SYSMESS 26 ;Catch all other cases 2 _ _ PROCESS 6 2 _ _ PREP OUT 2 _ _ PREP IN ;Filter off inside objects 2 _ _ PARSE 2 _ _ NOTEQ 44 53 ;ONLY BOXS! 2 _ _ NOTAT 5 2 _ _ MESSAGE 2 2 _ _ LT 51 255 ;If it was an object 2 _ _ LT 34 255 ;If it wasn't, but was a valid word 2 _ _ LISTOBJ 2 _ _ ATLT 4 ;Tewk speaks to you! 2 _ _ ATLT 4 2 _ _ ATGT 3 ;Have to be in the ship 2 _ _ AT 5 ;AA Box 2 _ _ AT 5 2 _ _ AT 4 ;Bayberries 2 _ _ AT 4 2 _ _ AT 3 ;Airlock repair panel 2 _ _ AT 3 ;Airlock 2 _ _ AT 3 2 _ _ AT 0 ;Start of game 2 _ SCREW NOUN2 PANEL 2 _ PLATT MESSAGE 74 2 _ PANEL NOUN2 SCREW 2 _ PANEL NOTAT 3 ;But of course deal with not being 2 _ NIMRO MESSAGE 71 2 _ BOX LET 34 56 2 You now have the _. 2 You have removed the _. 2 You have dropped the _. 2 You don't have the _. 2 You don't have one of those. 2 You can carry nothing more. 2 You are now wearing the _. 2 You are not wearing the _. 2 You already have the _. 2 WEAR _ PROCESS 7 ;& WEAR 2 WEAR SUIT PRESENT 2 2 WEAR BOTTL PRESENT 3 2 WEAR ALL DOALL 254 2 UNLOC DOOR PROCESS 13 2 UNLOC DOOR NOTCARR 1 2 UNLOC DOOR MES 76 2 Type in name of file. 2 Timeout is set to %u 2 The surface is starting to tarnish in places, the suit has obviously seen a lot 2 The raft is bare! 2 Stenciled neatly on the side of the yellow box is the wording 2 ST _ PROCESS 4 2 SAY _ MESSAGE 19 2 SAY _ ATLT 4 ;SAY without a name only works in the ship. 2 SAY TEWK PROCESS 3 2 REMOV _ AUTOR 2 REMOV ALL DOALL 253 2 RAMSA _ RAMSAVE 2 RAMLO _ RAMLOAD 255 2 Prepositions 2 PUT _ ZERO 18 ;Is it open? 2 PUT _ PROCESS 7 ;DROP 2 PUT _ PRESENT 6 2 PUT _ PRESENT 5 2 PUT _ GT 19 1 ;Same again 2 PUT _ GT 19 1 ;Box is full! 2 PUT _ GT 19 1 ;All others use default reporting 2 PUT _ AUTOP 6 ;Otherwise put it in 2 PUT _ AUTOD 2 PUT _ ADJECT2 YELLO 2 PUT _ ADJECT2 RED 2 PUT SUIT WHATO ;Suit isn't going to fit 2 PUT ALL DOALL 254 2 POUR BOTTL ZERO 23 2 POUR BOTTL ABSENT 3 2 PAWCOMP COM 2 PAW COMPILER V1.4 by Graeme Yeandle & Tim Gilberts using HISOFT C 2 OPEN _ WHATO 2 OPEN _ PROCESS 10 2 OPEN _ MES 76 2 OPEN _ LT 51 255 2 OPEN _ LET 34 56 2 OPEN DOOR ZERO 20 2 OPEN DOOR MESSAGE 55 2 OPEN DOOR EQ 20 1 2 OPEN DOOR AT 5 2 OPEN BOX PRESENT 5 2 OPEN BOX AT 5 2 OPEN BOX ADJECT1 YELLO 2 OPEN BOX ADJECT1 AA 2 Movements ie verbs and nouns < 14 2 MODE has only 1 parameter which is used to set flag 40. 2 Lines is set to %u 2 LOOK _ WHATO 2 LOOK _ PROCESS 10 2 LOOK _ PREP IN ;Looking in an object... 2 LOOK _ LT 34 255 2 LOOK SUIT PRESENT 2 2 LOOK SCREW PRESENT 4 2 LOOK SCREE AT 1 2 LOOK PANEL MESSAGE 58 2 LOOK PANEL AT 3 2 LOOK KEY PRESENT 1 2 LOOK BOX PRESENT 6 2 LOOK BOX NOTZERO 18 2 LOOK BOX MESSAGE 28 2 LOOK BOX MES 32 2 LOCK DOOR PROCESS 13 2 LOCK DOOR NOTCARR 1 2 LOCK DOOR MES 76 2 LEAVE _ AT 3 2 It contains a small mechanism. A message is printed on the flap which says "In 2 IX = address of flags. The object locations start 256 bytes further on. 2 INFOR _ MESSAGE 72 ;List of available information 2 I was not able to understand any of that. Please try again. 2 I now have the _. 2 I now have the 2 GET _ ZERO 18 ;Nothing in there 2 GET _ PROCESS 7 ;As are GET 2 GET _ PRESENT 6 2 GET _ PRESENT 5 2 GET _ AUTOT 6 ;Get anything out, no restrictions 2 GET _ ADJECT2 RED 2 GET ALL DOALL 255 2 Filename not given 2 File not saved 2 Farewell traveller... 2 Enter new value for Lines 2 Enter new value for Clear screen in hex (upto FFFFFFFF)? 2 Enter A to change Columns 2 ENTER _ AT 5 2 E _ AT 3 2 Do you want to update the file on disc 2 Conjugations 2 Confirmed. 2 Columns is set to %u 2 Clear screen is set to ' 2 COMMA _ MESSAGE 75 ;A list of commands 2 COMMA _ MESSAGE 70 2 CLOSE _ WHATO 2 CLOSE _ PROCESS 10 2 CLOSE _ MES 76 2 CLOSE _ LT 51 255 2 CLOSE DOOR EQ 20 2 2 CLOSE DOOR AT 5 2 CLOSE DOOR AT 3 2 CLOSE BOX WHATO 2 CLOSE BOX NOTEQ 35 54 2 CLOSE BOX GT 51 4 2 CLOSE BOX AT 5 2 BBC with Z80 2 Adjectives 2 A pocket torch. (lit) 2 <50 means a proper noun ie not an 'IT' 2 <20 means can be used as verbs 2 ;we cause it to explode just for fun! 2 ;that the player has specified an ADJECTIVE if there would be confusion 2 ;should really use a direction, as there are two doors! 2 ;player may refer to it as the box, or its door! 2 ;player has to pour it OVER the suit which he will be wearing. 2 ;obj starts weight cont- wear/ noun adjective 2 ;num at ainer remove 2 ;due to one or more of the boxes being present. 2 ;and the light source is absent... 2 ;Time to fly? 2 ;Ticket in beak? 2 ;Three phrases 'till move 2 ;The yellow box is a 'red herring', but if they try to do too much with it 2 ;The status.inventory command. 2 ;The first entries deal with the fact that TEWK has three boxes. They ensure 2 ;The Green bottle contains aftershave which will upset the bayberries. The 2 ;Tell them... 2 ;System Message Texts 2 ;Standard operating commands 2 ;Speech is only to TEWK. 2 ;Some of these entries deal with the AA Box as well. That is because the 2 ;Reload all flags 2 ;Only other need for ENTER/LEAVE processing is in the airlock, and the palyer 2 ;Object Texts 2 ;Object Definitions 2 ;Now some general catch all entries for examing objects we haven't dealt 2 ;Now normal 2 ;Now at players location? 2 ;If it is light... 2 ;Fix the airlock! 2 ;Ensure an I can't 2 ;Doors are dealt with in a Sub-process to make this table neat. 2 ;Dog follows 2 ;Describe it 2 ;Deal with the player typing COMMANDS not SAY "COMMANDS" 2 ;Deal with the player trying to open something else. 2 ;Deal with examing objects 2 ;Convert DOG to LEAD 2 ;Bird just flown? 2 ;Bird at same location? 2 ;Bag here? 2 ;As a bit of a cheat allow any manipulation of the Screwdriver and Panel to 2 ;And a similar set of entries to deal with closing boxes, objects etc. 2 ;Allow movement out of the airlock only if it is open 2 ;Allow for end of game by player enterinpen Broken 2 ;Again we need several entries in case no adjective specified 2 ; will link this automatically. 2 ; In the following tables, flags are used thus:- 2 ; Flag Description When Set When Reset 2 ; ---- ------------------------------ -------------- ---------- 2 ; 24-27 contain the number 20. This allows scoring to take place only 2 ; 23 Green Bottle Empty Full 2 ; 22 Suit/Aftershave Coated Unused 2 ; 21 TEWK reports produced 1-Hello 2-Atmos None 2 ; 20 AA Box 1-Close 2-Open Locked 2 ; 19 No of objects in the Red Box (max 2) 2 ; 18 Red Box Open Closed 2 ; 13 Airlock Door 1-Closed 2-O NOTZERO 11 2 ; 12 Number of times Yellow Box refrenced. - - 2 ; 11 Airlock repair panel Open Closed 2 4*_4"Y4!Y4 2 2'2.262?2J2R2Z2b2j2s2}2 2 /PRO 9 ;Works out which object you are trying to TAKEOUT/PUTIN from/to 2 /PRO 8 ;Look in objects 2 /PRO 7 ;This is called to ensure a NEWLINE printed after PRO 6 use 2 /PRO 6 ;GET/DROP but all text is in a paragraph. NEWLINE on exit 2 /PRO 5 ;LOOK IN/AT the BOXES 2 /PRO 4 ;Used on Spectrum for a graphic inventory 2 /PRO 13 ;OPEN and CLOSE 2 /PRO 12 ;Unused in CPM version 2 /PRO 11 ;TAKOUT/PUTIN for the RED BOX specifically 2 /PRO 1 ;Deal with start of game and extra for location descriptions 2 /PRO 0 ;Response to a players command 2 /OBJ ;Object Definitions 2 ,Deleting %s and retrying save 2 ,Can %s be deleted (Y/N)? 2 +%s has been saved. 2 *'Track-Info 2 (Track-Info 2 "NUCLEAR POWER CELL : DANGER" 2 5. When accessing the Process tables the word values are always matched. 2 4. The Response table is known as Process 0. 2 2=tied to bench 2 1=has lead around neck 2 ADJECT2 YELLO 2 they should not be used for those purposes - they should only be used when 2 is a very important difference; in the Spectrum version words can be used 2 as comments and to position entries within the table; in the CP/M version 2 Therefore you should not normally use word values in Process 0 & 1. This 2 B to change Lines 2 E 3 2 Track-Info 2 DONE 2 ZERO 23 2 ZERO 22 2 ZERO 21 2 ZERO 20 2 WHATO DONE 2 TURNS 2 TIME 20 1 2 SYSMESS 9 2 SYSMESS 8 2 SYSMESS 26 ;it wasn't here 2 SET 22 2 SET 17 2 SET 11 2 SCORE 2 SAME 54 38 2 SAME 38 54 ;that was here 2 PROMPT 2 2 PROCESS 8 2 PROCESS 3 2 PROCESS 10 2 PLUS 19 1 ;and one more object 2 PLUS 12 1 2 OK 2 NOTWORN 2 ;or you die 2 NOTWORN 2 2 NEWLINE ;it was an object that wasn't here! 2 MESSAGE 85 2 MESSAGE 83 2 MESSAGE 82 2 MESSAGE 80 2 MESSAGE 79 2 MESSAGE 69 2 MESSAGE 68 2 MESSAGE 67 2 MESSAGE 64 2 MESSAGE 63 2 MESSAGE 62 2 MESSAGE 60 2 MESSAGE 58 ;in the vicinity of the panel 2 MESSAGE 57 2 MESSAGE 5 2 MESSAGE 44 2 MESSAGE 43 2 MESSAGE 40 2 MESSAGE 4 2 MESSAGE 38 2 MESSAGE 35 2 MESSAGE 31 2 MESSAGE 3 2 MESSAGE 29 2 MESSAGE 1 ;Junk in the string or none there 2 MESSAGE 0 2 MES 89 2 MES 88 2 MES 81 2 MES 78 2 MES 77 2 MES 61 2 MES 56 2 MES 49 ;Won't fit! 2 MES 37 2 LT 51 255 ;It was a valid object 2 LISTOBJ ;List the objects 2 LISTAT 6 2 LISTAT 254 2 LISTAT 253 2 LET 53 64 2 LET 27 20 2 LET 25 20 2 LET 24 20 2 LET 21 2 2 LET 21 1 2 LET 20 2 2 LET 19 2 2 GT 51 4 2 GOTO 4 2 GOTO 1 2 EQ 21 1 2 EQ 20 1 2 DONE ;Not really needed but makes it clearer 2 CLEAR 26 2 CLEAR 25 2 CLEAR 20 2 CLEAR 18 2 CLEAR 17 2 ADD 27 30 2 ADD 26 30 2 ADD 25 30 2 Exit CTRL K ie value 11 2 Delete line CTRL Y ie value 25 2 MESSAGE 42 1 }LSystem message No. not found 1 |-Can %s be deleted (Y/N)? 1 {le values to give 1 Second are:- 1 {PProcess table No. not found or too big 1 {:Trying to find %s%4d 1 zSCharacter value > 127 present in text - value(%d) 1 zMMessage No. not found 1 ystem Message Texts 1 yourself now? 1 you, your lungs burn as you pass out... 1 you are doing. For example after drawing a picture which occupies the top 14 1 word-wrap enabled and that a carriage return will generate a line feed. Note 1 while to the East is a grassy area. 1 w;Trying to find %s 1 value and vice versa. 1 uvwxyz{|}~ 1 using a BDOS call then PAW would still think that the cursor was at the top of 1 used%5u times 1 unspecified results. Note that characters will normally be printed with 1 uOIllegal use of Flag 38 1 uG*** ERROR %d - 1 too long then The Interpreter should be reinstalled with a smaller timeout 1 to close around your head... 1 to be made of ornate cast iron painted white. To the South is a path. 1 tions are performed 512 bytes are saved. Of these 1 the status of the dog ie 0=free to roam 1 the screen. If you need to print some control codes use a BDOS call (eg 6) 1 the screen and places the cursor in the top left hand corner. 1 the registers set as follows:- 1 the pause lasts (it should be for about 30 seconds but between 1 the engine room door due to the ships tilt, to port is the airlock, the inner 1 the South is a grassy area while to the North I can see a bandstand. 1 the EXTERN action. 1 tJMax texts already processed 1 t Definitions 1 standing too long?". 1 spoken commands, each ship is also programmed to recognise a 'familiarity' form 1 smiles and says "Sorry I'm late, hope you haven't been 1 sing HISOFT C 1 should be reinstalled with a larger pause value and vice versa. 1 screen glows on the console. Although the forward view screens still show a 1 scout ship "THE PRIDE OF TEWKSBURY" has crash landed on the fourth planet, this 1 s%!Hl"=k*Gl& 1 rts "COMMANDS AVAILABLE : OPEN : INFORMATION : ALL OTHERS DESTROYED 1 rt of game 1 routine which draws a picture of the location. When the vector at bytes 15-17 1 rescue cubicle, you must reach this in or DATA SYSTEM TRANSFERED TO 1 required) via the vector at hex 0109 (see bytes 9-11 above). 1 rIUnable to open %s 1 provided to give you a way of printing characters while informing PAW of what 1 position the cursor after the picture. If you printed the carriage returns 1 pN/%d expected 1 over the suit. 1 ou can't look in the _. 1 or for the EXTERN action. 1 or a carriage return (decimal 13). Any other control codes will give 1 or Columns 1 or H to exit 1 or F to exit 1 of address, any speech within the ship will be understood. Merely SAY 1 o"zo*hm"dm 1 nutrons bombard your particles frying you alive... 1 n8 preposition 1 me, to the East I can see the bus stop through the gate in the railings. 1 lines of the screen you could print 15 carriage returns via this vector to 1 like to play again? 1 light, the vector at bytes 15-17 is called before the location text is printed. 1 level horizon you can feel a tilt on the ship 1 is called the registers are set as follows:- 1 in the gentle breeze. A path runs North towards a large tree, 1 if you remember correctly is a nature reserve with some dangerous indiginous 1 icket has been blown away, 1 ht source is absent... 1 gentle music fills the air and a mild gas makes you feel sleepy... 1 g the AA box 1 from the setting star 1 f.or reply N to quit without saving the file (Y/N)? 1 f File updated 1 eyes blink in suprise, ne, you have solved the game. How about writing a better one for 1 e(ERROR ***** LINE %u TOO LONG - TRUNCATED 1 door stands open twisted from the collision 1 described. 1 degree of sophistication, all ships functions can be controlled using simple 1 dOPQRSTUVWXYZ[ 1 d*+,-./0123456 1 d on default drive 1 cts and the 512 bytes are numbered 1 containing the finished adventure and your routine. 1 collision. The outer door is 1 ches the ticket. 1 change the vector in bytes 6-8 to point to your routine and create a file 1 can you help me to find it? 1 byte. For example, if there are 6 objects and the 512 bytes are numbered 1 but remember that PAW will still think that the cursor is at the top of the 1 b*Entries for %u objects processed 1 assumes that byte 3 is 0. 1 arried objects 1 arms grip you and begin to squeeze, squeeze, your bones begin to crack as you 1 are popped from your suit like a pea from a pod. You pass out as the jaws begin 1 and runs away. 1 and bench while to the West is an ornamental pond. 1 also that PAW itself does not output characters via this vector - it is 1 all the Nimrod like giant toadstools casting long shadows across the surface 1 a timeout should occur roughly every 30 seconds. If the timeout duration is 1 `abcdefghijklmno 1 _ _ PRESENT 0 ;If the light source is present... 1 _ _ NEWLINE 1 _ _ EQ 13 2 Screen 1 _ _ EQ 13 2 1 _ BAYBE MESSAGE 73 ;Information on various things0 1 _ BAYBE MESSAGE 73 ;Information on various things WHATO 1 _ ;Null word character is an underline 1 \YToken '%s' 1 You have nothing to 1 You can't. You are wearing the _. 1 You can't wear the _. 1 You can't remove the _. 1 You can't open the _. 1 You can't open the _ it's sealed shut. 1 You can't look in the _ it's closed. 1 You can't close the _, you can't even open it! 1 You are unable to remove the _ as your hands are full. 1 You are unable to move that way. 1 You are unable to do that. 1 You are standing by an A.A. box in a clearing of Platterplants which look for 1 You are not wearing one of those. 1 You are in the ship's airlock, the inner door is buckled open from theANDS" for your ship to provide a full list of controls. 1 You are in the main control room of the 'PRIDE OF TEWKSBURY', only one display 1 You are in the cosy living quarters situated amidships. The floor rises toward 1 You are c handle. 1 You are already wearing the _. 1 You are already wearing tTrack-Info 1 YELLO 54 Adjective 1 Y7n adverb 1 Would you like to play again? 1 Who should I say it to? 1 While standing on the bus stop my bus t8 1 While on an exploratory flight in the NIMROD planetary system your cybergenetic 1 Which way though? West or East! 1 Which BOX do you mean? 1 Whenever a location is to be described the clear screen routine is called (if 1 When the SAVE or RAMSAVE acTrack-Info 1 When it is executed it does a JP to address hex 0106 (see bytes 6-8 above) with 1 What panel? 1 What door? 1 West a park gate set in iron railings stands open. 1 WQObject weight too big 1 WEST 4 Noun 1 WEAdirectly. 1 WEAR _ith any speech to TEWK 1 WEAR _ AUTOW 1 WEAR _ ;you can't do it 1 WEAR ALL DOALL CARRIED 1 WEAR 153 Verb 1 WARNING RADIATION LEAK : PILE I 1 W"W%W(W+W.W1W4W7W:W=W@WCWFWIWLWOWRWUWXW# 1 W 4 Noun 1 VHConnections for remaining locations missing 1 V% verb or noun<20 1 V#V'V+V/V3V7V;V?VCVGVJVMVPVSVVVYV\V_VbVeVhVkVnVqVtVwVzV}V 1 UP 11 Noun 1 UNLOC DOOR CARRss object in there 1 UNLOC DOOR CARRIED 1 1 UNLOC 59 Verb 1 UNDER 246 Preposition 1 U %u WARNING 1 U 11 Noun 1 Type XXI ships are equipped with voice operated command systems to the highest 1 Trustingly the dog lets me put the lead around its neck. 1 To test the Pause value enter the word PAUSE and press RETURN. Time how long 1 This file contains some more information about the first few bytes of the 1 This database can be used to test the Timeout and Pause values used when the 1 There isn't one of t Adjective 1 There are no sentient lifeforms to hear you. 1 The top of the box is closed. 1 The ticket has "City Bus Company" printed on it. 1 The sun glitters on the surface of the ornamental pond, whose waters ripple 1 The stench is appalling, rotten vegetation and scorching heat start to choke 1 The ship has cleared a swath through the copse of Bayberries from North to 1 The seal breaks and the box flies open, a scorching heat sears you skin as 1 The screwdriver has a small screen set in the handle and emanates a gentle hum. 1 The red box has "TOOLS" stenciled on the side, it's flap top is 1 The red box has "TOOLS" stenciled on the sidTrack-Info 1 The path curves South and East here beside a large tree. 1 The muffled sound of bolts releasing can be heard. 1 The manual controls are jammed. 1 The lid snaps shut with a brisk click. 1 The lid flips open easily. 1 The key has the letters AA embosed on the 248 Preposition 1 The grass on which I stand is neatly trimmed. To the North is a path 1 The file specified is not compatible with this INSTs (Y/N)? 1 The door swings shut. 1 The door swings open. 1 The door is locked. 1 The door is already 1 The dog's bright eyes stare at me with mindless love. 1 The dog is tieTrack-Info 1 The dog is sitting quietly. 1 The dog follows me wagging his tail. 1 The default contents of address hex 0106 is a JP to address 0 ie a return to 1 The bus arrives. I hand the ticket to the driver who 1 The bolts click into place. 1 The bird snat- 1 The bird sees the dog and flutters away quickly. 1 The bird ignores me. 1 The bird has a ticket in its beak. 1 The bird flies away. 1 The bird drops the ticket to peck at the sandwich. 1 The bench is firmly screwed to a concrete base. 1 The apple is crisp and green. 1 The aftershave runs out of the bottle 1 The _ won't fit in the box. 1 The _ is too heavy. 1 The _ is in thGE 1 The _ is empty. 1 The _ is already 1 The _ falls to the ground at the foot of the tree. 1 The _ contains a sweet smelling aftershave. 1 The Timeout value can be tested in a similar way. ;Timing source file 1 The Ticket 1 The JP instruction at;START source file 1 The Interpreter was installed. 1 The Interpreter or a finished adventure can be installed by using the PAWINST 1 The Inputs allowed are ASCII ie value 32-126 1 The EXTERN action is followed by 1 parameter in the range 0-255 1 Text to be compressed 1 Tewk reports "SEQUENCE NOT IN VOX BANKS : REPHRASE" 1 Tewk reports "PLATTERPLANT : COMMON ON ALL PLANETS IN NIMROD SYSTEM : HARMLESS" 1 Tewk reports "OUTSIDE ATMOSPHERE CONFIRMED NOT SUITABLE FOR HUMANOID LIFE" 1 Tewk reports "NIMROD : NATURE RESERVE : SIMPLE ECOLOGY : SEE ALSO : BAYBERRY 1 Tewk reports "INFORMATION SUBJECTS IN TEMPS : NIMROD : BAYBERRY : PLATTERPLANTS 1 Tewk reports "HELLO CAPTAIN : AWAITING COMMAND" 1 Tewk reports "FATAL ERROR IN CIRCUIT : UNABLE TO ANSWER ENQUIRY : SORRY 1 Tewk reports "DOOR SEALED : ATMOSHPHERE IS DANGEROUS TO UNPROTECTED HUMANOID 1 Tewk reports "BAYBERRY : PLANT INDIGINUS TO NIMROD IV : CARNIVORE : SENSITIVE 1 Tewk repoTrack-Info 1 Tewk is out of voice range. 1 TO 240 Preposition 1 TIcket at same loc'n as the bird? 1 TIMING SCE 1 TIME has 2 parameters which are used to set flags 48 & 49 noun 1 TICKET SCE 1 THROU 244 Preposition 1 THEN 254 Conjugation 1 THEM 254 Pronoun 1 TEXT EDITOR V0.1 by Graeme Yeandle using HISOFT C 1 TEWKS 21 Noun 1 TEWK has attempted to bring you down close to an Astrophysical Association 1 TEWK SCE 1 TEWK 21 Noun 1 TALK 164 Verb 1 TAKE 150 Verb 1 T!SCL=%u TCC=%u TCP=%u TOPP=%u TOPL=%u NUML=%u ENDP=%u %s 1 T %u ERROR 1 South. Those that weren't burnt to a crisp swing their 'heads' to and fro, 1 SW 8 Noun 1 SUIT 50 Noun 1 STOP 156 Verb 1 STATUS: SERIOUS DAMAGE TO MOST MAJOR 1 STATU 14 Verb 1 START SCE 1 START PDB 1 STARB 4 Noun 1 ST 14 Verb 1 SPEECH COMMAND SYSTEM ACTIVE 1 SPEAK 164 Verb 1 SPACE 50 Noun 1 SOUTH 2 Noun 1 SOFTL 144 Adverb 1 SOFT 135 Adjective 1 SMALL 130 Adjective 1 SLOWL 141 Adverb 1 SHORT 136 Adjective 1 SHIP: PRIDE OF TEWKSBURY 1 SHIP 21 Noun 1 SE 7 Noun 1 SCREW 55 Noun 1 SCREE 58 Noun 1 SAY 164 Verb 1 SAVE & LOAD ask for a filename etc. 1 SAVE 157 Verbhose in the 1 S 2 Noun 1 Row offset is set to %u 1 Row before column is set to %c 1 RMObject No. too big 1 RK%s is not in Vocabulary 1 RESCUE CRAFT... 1 REMOVE _ AUTOR 1 REMOVE ALL DOALL WORN 1 REMOV _ PROCESS 7 ;REM DONE 1 REMOV _ PROCESS 7 ;REM 1 REMOV 152 Verb 1 RED 53 1. File DIFF.TXT contains a list of the major differences between the Spectrum 1 READ ME 1 READ 161 Verb 1 RAMSAVE _ RAMSAVE 1 RAMSA 159 Verb 1 RAMLOAD _ RAMLOAD 255 ;Reload all flags 1 RAMLO 160 Verb 1 R%s is not a%s 1 R%s expected 1 R%EDIT.INS is unusable! 1 R"El*Lm")k*El 1 R VOCAB sort starts 1 R _ DESC 1 QUIT 156 Verb 1 QUIET 142 Adverb 1 QUICK 140 Adverb 1 QNTable limit exceeded 1 QContainer indicator not found or invalid %s 1 Processing end routin 1 Print file opened on drive %c 1 Print at 1 Press any key55 1 Press any key to continue 1 Pause is set to %u 1 PYou can only PUTIN to or TAKEOUT of a container 1 PUT BOX ADJECT1 YELLO ;and neither will the yell corrupt. 1 PUT BOX ADJECT1 YELLO ;and neither will thTrack-Info 1 PUT 151 Verb 1 PRIDE 21 Noun 1 PProcess table No. out of range 1 PObject weight not found 1 POUR 55 Verb 1 PORT 3 Noun 1 PLATT 23 Noun 1 PLANET: NIMROD IV 1 PICS 163 Verb 1 PDBPAW Interpreter Version 1.6 by Graeme Yeandle 1 PAWINT COM 1 PAWINST TXT 1 PAWINST COM 1 PAW INSTALL V0.1 by Graeme Yeandle & Tim Gilberts u 1 PANEL 57 Noun 1 OX PRESENT 6 1 OValid word type not found %s 1 OVER 245 Preposition 1 OUT 243 Preposition 1 OPEN 52 Verb 1 ON k reports "AIRLOCK SYSTEM MALFUNCTION : CATCH REQUIRES MANUAL RELEASE 1 OLFACTORY ORGAN : DANGEREOUS" 1 OLD 132 he _. 1 OFF 249 Preposition 1 OA container needs a corresponding location 1 Null word character is %c 1 No, ask TEWK. 1 NW 6 Noun 1 NObject starts worn but is unwearable 1 NORTH 5 Noun 1 NORMA 251 Preposition 1 NORM 251 Preposition 1 NLStart of entry expected 1 NInvalid File Name 1 NIMRO 24 Noun 1 NEW 133 Adjective 1 NE 9 Noun 1 NDrive A-P not found 1 N 5 Noun 1 MSystem message No. too big 1 MMessage No. too big 1 MFlag No. not found or too big 1 MESSA carry any more things. 1 MECHA 57 Noun 1 MAYDAY: MAYDAY: MAYDAY: AA BOX 1 MANUA 54 Noun 1 M'%s' is not a condition or action 1 Lines is set to %u 1 LPercentage out of range 1 LPercentage not found 1 LOUDL 143 Adverb 1 LOParameters missing 1 LOOK _ ect in there 1 LOOK _ DONE 1 LOOK BOX0 1 LOOK BOX SET 17 1 LOOK 161 Verb 1 LONG 137 Adjective 1 LOCK DOOR CARR 8 ;you can't do it 1 LOCK 58 Verb 1 LOAD them. 1 LOAD 158 Verb 1 LEAVE 13 Verb 1 LARGE 131 Adjective 1 L/(c) 1987 GILSOFT International Ltd. 1 KVocab limit exceeded - VOCAB too big! 1 KLocation No. too big 1 KLocation No. not found 1 KEY 51 Noun 1 KConnections for all locations already processed 1 JValid word not found %s 1 JToo many parameters 1 JNo. (1-254) not found 1 J!%s (0-%u)? 1 It's a cheese and pickle sandwich. 1 Is the row printed before the column 1 Interpreter for those people who are interested plus information about using 1 In the bag is: 1 In Process table $ 1 If you want to use the EXTERN action you will have to write your own routine 1 IT 254 Pronoun 1 INTO 242 Preposition 1 INFOR 57 Verb 1 IN 242 Preposition 1 IFailure to rename %s 1 IDuplicate word %.5s 1 I89:;<=>?@A 1 I/O Error! File not s 1 I/O Error! File not EDIT.KEY 1 I've untied the dog from the bench. 1 I've tied the lead to the bench. 1 I'm standing by a bus stop, on a road which runs North to South. To the 1 I'm inside the bag! 1 I%s not found 1 I was not able to understand anyTrack-Info 1 I am standing on the bands 1 I am sitting on a branch in a broad leaved tree, the park is spread out before 1 I am on a small raft floating in open sea. The bright yellow sun is starting 1 I am on a small raft floaow box! 1 I am on a gravel path running East to West, by a park bench, to 1 I _ INVEN 1 I 14 Verb 1 HInsufficient System messages 1 HEntries for remaining objects missing 1 HDisk full 1 HDatabase much too big 1 HARD 134 Adjective 1 Gearable indicator not found or invalid %s 1 GREEN 52 Adjective 1 GInvalid drive %c 1 GET _ Track-Info 1 GET _ 1 GET I INVEN 1 GET ALL DOALL HERE 1 GET 150 Verb 1 GENTL 144 Adverb 1 GAdventure Name not given 1 File updated 1 File not changed 1 FURTHER ANALYSIS CONTINUES 1 FROM 241 Preposition 1 Example values to give 1/50 Second are:- 1 Examination of that reveals nothing. 1 Enter new value for Timeout 1 Enter new value for Row offset 1 Enter new value for Print at in hex (upto FFFFFFFF)? 1 Enter new value for Pause 1 Enter new value for Columns 1 Enter new value for Col offset 1 Enter new value fTrack-Info 1 Emergency: Press mechanism with screwdriver to release airlock catch". 1 Emergency: Press mechanism with screwdrive for carried objects 1 EXTENDED CPC DSK File 1 EXCEP 252 Preposition 1 EXAMI 161 Verb 1 EVERY 20 Noun 1 ERROR - Cannot open f,'WARNING *** TAB(s) converted to space(s) 1 ENTER 12 Verb 1 EMPTY 55 Verb 1 ELECT 55 Adjective 1 EDITINSTCOM 1 EDIT.INS not found on default drive 1 EDIT INSTALL V0.0 by Graeme Yeandle using HISOFT C 1 EDIT KEY 1 EDIT INS 1 EDIT COM 1 EAST 3 Noun 1 E 3 Noun 1 Disk ftand which appears 1 Differences between PAW on Spectrum & PAW on CP/M 1 Database to be written to drive %c 1 Database not required 1 Database ends @ address %u 1 DROP _ AUTOD 1 DROP ALL DOALL CARRIED 1 DROP 151 Verb 1 DOWN 10 Noun 1 DOOR 56 Noun 1 DISPL 58 Noun 1 DIFF TXT 1 DESCE 10 Verb 1 D 10 Noun 1 Compressing the text saved %d bytes 1 Compiling %s from drive %c 1 Columns is set to %u 1 Col offset is set to %u 1 Clear screen is set to '%02x 1 Choose A-H? 1 Choose A-F? 1 CYCLE 100 Verb 1 CYBER SHIP TYPE XXI 1 CPDRead v3.24 1 COMMA 56 Verb 1 COMDatabase too big by approx 1 CLOSE 54 Verb 1 CAREF 144 Adverb 1 Bytes 9-11 contain a vector for the clear screen routine. This routine clears 1 Bytes 6-8 contain a vect 1 Bytes 23-26 contain the bytes to be printed to clear the screen and place 1 Bytes 20-21 contain a number which controls the timeout duration. 1 Bytes 15-17 contain a vector which is called just before a location is 1 Bytes 12-14 contain a JP instruction to PAW's print a character routine. 1 Byte 3 (ie the 4th byte) contains the Install version required. The following 1 Byte 28 contains a No. which controls the PAUSE duration 1 Byte 22 contains the No. of bytes to be printed to clear the screen and place 1 Byte 19 contains the No. of Lines on the screen 1 Byte 18 contains the No. of Columns on the screen 1 Byte 15 contains a RET instruction but bytes 15-17 could contain a jump to a 1 BY 247 Preposition 1 BPAdjective specified without noun 1 BOX 53 Noun 1 BOTTL 52 Noun 1 BIG 131 Adjective 1 BAYBE 22 Noun 1 As you step into the box, a small flexible connector locks onto your suit, 1 As you drift off to sleep you hear a voice calling... 1 Are you sure? 1 An unlit torch. 1 An operations manual. 1 An eleobviously repelled by your aftershave 1 An anorak. 1 Adverbs the word value is relevant. 1 AT 250 Preposition 1 ASK 164 Verb 1 ASCEN 11 Verb 1 AND 254 Conjugation 1 ALL program 1 ALL 20 Noun 1 AIRLO 56 Noun 1 AFTER 52 Noun 1 AA 51 Adjective 1 A!"#$%&'() 1 A yellow box. 1 A spacesuit. 1 A small bird settles on the ground. 1 A small bird lands on the branch. 1 A small bird is here. 1 A sandwich. 1 A red box. 1 A lit torch. 1 A lead trails behind the dog. 1 A large key. 1 A green bottle. 1 A dog is here. 1 A = parameter 0-255 1 A = current location No. 1 A ;Database written to drive A 1 @ the entry with word values $ & $ 1 @ Condition/Action No. $ 1 ????????EMS 1 >Character value > 127 present in text 1 <Track-Info 1 <JTrack-Info 1 ;with ticket 1 ;with lead on 1 ;tell player about it 1 ;so check location 1 ;place as dog) then DONE 1 ;now tied to bench 1 ;move to branch, three phrases 1 ;is at same location as dog 1 ;er carries out an action. 1 ;dog tied to it 1 ;dog is here 1 ;dog does not understand 1 ;at same location as bird? 1 ;Yes so tell player 1 ;Written by T.J. Gilberts and Dicon Peeke. 1 ;With ticket in beak? 1 ;With lead? 1 ;Where bench is. 1 ;Where bench is 1 ;Valid object? 1 ;Up the tree 1 ;Try and get it. 1 ;Timeout @ 30 seconds 1 ;Ticket not created? 1 ;The ticket is here 1 ;The sandwich is here 1 ;The bench isn't an object 1 ;Tell them so. 1 ;Tell them its followed... 1 ;Tell them bird is gone.. 1 ;Tell them bird has flown 1 ;Tell player about it 1 ;Tell player (always at same 1 ;TICKET source file 1 ;Still able to move? 1 ;Start of game 1 ;StaTrack-Info 1 ;Speak to dog 1 ;Someone else to do the work 1 ;So player hasn't 1 ;Recreate lead 1 ;Put ticket down 1 ;Put something in bag 1 ;Put it there 1 ;Processing %s%4d 1 ;Processing %s 1 ;Player on branch? 1 ;Player on bandstand? 1 ;Player isn't up the tree? 1 ;Player has the lead 1 ;PAW's turn at the game 1 ;Originally written for the Spectrum. 1 ;Only ever on bandstand so 1 ;Only do this @ start 1 ;On branch? 1 ;On bandstand? 1 ;Object carried? 1 ;Object Text_. 1 ;ObjecTrack-Info 1 ;Now sitting quietly 1 ;Not valid phrase so 1 ;NB value 55 used in Process table 0 1 ;Move to branch 1 ;Move dog to players locno. 1 ;Move bird to bandstand 1 ;Look in bag 1 ;Landed on ground 1 ;Landed on branch 1 ;Its now bottom of tree. 1 ;It's here 1 ;I say old boy! 1 ;Has timeout occurred? 1 ;Has a ticket in beak. 1 ;Get something out of bag 1 ;Get all out of bag 1 ;Force it to fly away 1 ;Flag usage 1 ;Flag 14 holds the status of the dog ie 0=free to roam 1 ;Flag 13 holds current location of Dog 1 ;Flag 12 holds current location of Bird 1 ;Flag 11 is used as a 'work' flag 1 ;Flag 5 is used to determine when the bird flies 1 ;Ensure not just a DROP LEAD 1 ;Dog tied to bench? 1 ;Dog starts at bus stop 1 ;Dog sitting? 1 ;Dog now has lead on 1 ;Dog not where player is? 1 ;Dog not partially tied up 1 ;Dog must be sitting? 1 ;Dog at same location? 1 ;Copy loc'n of obj4 (ticket) to flag 11 1 ;Convert string to LS 1 ;Bird on branch? 1 ;Bird on bandstand? 1 ;Bird is on branch (locno. 8) 1 ;Bird here? 1 ;Bird going to fly? 1 ;Bird at same loc'n as player? 1 ;Bird and dog at same location? 1 ;Bird 'GETS' the ticket 1 ;Bandstand 1 ;At bus stop 1 ;Apple here? 1 ;Anything else 1 ;255 is greater than 2 so 1 ;*6 = 30 Seconds 1 ;"I can't do that" 1 ; TEWK2.SCE - Process tables for TEWK. You must compile TEWK.SCE which 1 ; the first time the playg the AA box 1 ; the first time the playTrack-Info 1 ; - - - - - - - - ith any speech to TEWK 1 ; - - - 1 ; Nouns <20 means can be used as verbs 1 ; Movements ie verbs and nouns < 14 1 ; ANYKEY 1 :PAWINST.C 1 :PAWCOMP.C 1 :PAW's turn at the game to continue. 1 :PAW's turn at the game 1 :EDITINST.C 1 : SORRY NO MORE DATA PRESERVED" 1 : SORRY CAPTAIN" 1 : PLATTERPLANTS" 1 : PANEL NOW OPEN" 1 9Processing %s 1 8n adjective 1 76654321 HAS A SLEEPER, REQUEST 1 6I*** ERROR %d - 1 512 the interpreter uses the first (256 + No. of objects) bytes plus the last 1 4. verb or noun<20 1 3T*** Compilation ends 1 3*_4"Y4*Y4n& 1 2conjugation 1 27 and 33 is reasonable). If the duration is too short then The Interpreter 1 255=sitting quietly 1 255=sitting quie 1 1%1-161=1H1Q1\1d1n1x1 1 1 bytes 12-14 can be used to output any printable character 1 0123456789 1 0-511 then the Interpreter will not use bytes 263-510 although it will SAVE & 1 0-511 then the Interpreter will not use bytes 263- 1 0 0(00070?0E0O0W0_0h0q0x0 1 /VOC ;Vocabulary 1 /S/PRO%4d expected 1 /PRO 3 ;Deal w 3 _ _ KEY AA 1 /PRO 3 ;Deal w DONE 1 /PRO 2 :PAW's turn at the game 1 /PRO 10 ;Ensure that object reporting is done correctly as in PAW. 1 /PRO 10 ;Ensure that object reporting is done correctly as in PAW itself 1 /PRO 1 ;Used after a location has been described 1 /PRO 0 ;ie Response Table 1 /OTX ;Object Texts 1 /MTX ;Message Texts 1 /LTX ;Location Texts 1 /LNK TEWK2 1 /CTL ;Control Section 1 /CON ;Connections 1 /7 ; which had graphics, drawn using user defined characters... 1 /7 1 /6 ; Many of these 'unused' messages are a hangover from the spectrum version 1 /6 1 3 Y _ BOX RED 1 /6 ;Pond 1 /6 ;Inside the Red Box 1 /5 1 10 _ _ BOX YELLOW 1 /4 6 1 _ _ SCREW ELECT 1 /3 2 1 _ _ BOTTL GREEN 1 /2 3 6 _ Y SUIT _ 1 /1d to the bench by a lead. 1 /1 6 ;Spacesuit must be worn if airlock open 1 /0 CARRIED 1 _ _ _ _ 1 /0 1 0 _ _ MANUA _ 1 /0 ;Introduction LT 20 2 1 .*** NB If you are going to update the file ENSURE you have a BACKUP! *** 1 . The door to the box is 1 -MObject No. not found 1 -%s has been deleted. Retrying save 1 ,%u entries processed successfully 1 , are wearing 1 , also here is 1 , a small panel is open in the otherwise seamless wall 1 *c4"]4*c4"_4! 1 *NValue not found or too big 1 *ERROR *** Disk full *** 1 ***** A Database or Logic ERROR has been detected ***** 1 **** This Pause should last for about 30 Seconds. 1 **** End of Pause. 1 *** WARNING Database too big for current memory by %u bytes 1 *** WARNING - Control character present in text - value(%d) 1 *** WARNING - %s - value(%d) 1 *** ERROR %d - 1 *** Compiler error in %s - %u 1 *!Hl"=k*Gl& 1 )n adjective 1 )ERROR *** Directory full *** 1 )-%s has been deleted. Retrying save 1 ))Save file (Y/N)? 1 (which should end with a RET), decide where to put it (eg above the database), 1 (hex 1555) ie byte 20 = hex 55 & 21 = hex 15 1 (hex 1248) 1 (hex 06A9) 1 (ERROR ***** OUT OF MEMORY - FILE TRUNCATED 1 (ALL program 1 'OInvalid null word character 1 &EDIT.INS is unusable! 1 & Tim Gilberts 1 & ?$ Input error$Flag $Object $Error No. $ 1 %u bytes free in current memory size 1 %s%sCompiling %s 1 %s not found 1 %s (1-%u)? 1 %EDIT.INS not foun0 1 %Connections for %u locations processed 1 %.Either change discs and reply Y to retry 1 % of this game. 1 $tart wearing the _. 1 $Second parameter can only be 'C' 1 $Press C to Create a copy of the adventure or P to Play the adventure 1 $LEntries for all objects already processed 1 $File name error 1 $Database not found 1 $Database incompatible with this version 1 #%u texts processed 1 "t3*c4"Y4!Y4 1 "fm!Hl"=k*Gl& 1 "Lm*Lm"Cl*hm} 1 "COMMder to be rescued... 1 !VOCAB sort ends 1 !PAWINST.TXT 1 !<4"Y4*X4& 1 !0123456789 1 ! 1 too heavy. 1 the door with. 1 of that. Please try again. 1 in the _. 1 have achieved 1 ctronic screwdriver. 1 before column 1 Then, if it is 1 If you do not press any keys 1 Free:%-5u Line:%-5u Col:%-3u 1 File not changed 1 8. System messages 54-60 are used by SAVE & LOAD. 1 7. The Compiler is sometimes more particular about its vetting eg WEIGHT 38 is 1 6. The Interpreter is designed to work with any width screen. 1 3. The following Conditions/Actions work differently:- 1 2. The following Conditions/Actions are not implemented:- 1 2. On page 17 of the Introduction manual, the reference to TUTORIAL.SCE should 1 1. There are no pictures or alternate character sets. 1 %u words processed 1 %s (Y/N)? 1 is set to '%02x 1 LT 20 2 1 3 Y _ BOX RED 1 version of PAW and the CP/M version. 1 read TUTORIAL.PDB! 1 not allowed. 1 also BEEP is replaced by BELL 1 PRESENT 5 1 - - - - - - 1 G to change row offset 1 F to change col offset 1 E to change Row 1 E to change Pause 1 D to change Print at 1 D to change Clear screen 1 C to change Timeout 1 C to change Clear screen 1 Track-Info 1 ;Pride of Tewksbury game. 9/3/88 1 W 3 1 W 2 1 TEMPORARY STORAGE 1 SYSTEMS. 1 SW 7 1 SS 10 1 SAGE 66 1 S 4 1 S 1 1 PRESENT 5 1 NE 4 1 N 7 1 N 5 1 N 2 1 ENTER 3 1 ENTER 2 1 e yellow box! 1 44 1 Track-Info 1 SYSMESS 26 1 SS 10 1 DONE 1 <50 means a proper noun ie not an 'IT' 1 ; TEWK2.SCE - Process tables for TEWK. You must compile TEWK.SCE which 1 5 Seconds 1 Track-Info 1 directly. 1 PRESENT 6 1 OVE 1 EQ 12 2 1 ;Spacesuit must be worn if airlock open 1 ZERO 0 ;If it is light... 1 SYSMEer carries out an action. 1 SYSMESSAGE 53 1 SYSMESS 8 DONE 1 SYSME 27 30 1 OVE 1 MINUS 19 1 ;One less obj AUTOW 1 MINUS 19 1 ;One leIED 1 1 MESSAGE 53ting in open sea. The bright yellow sun is starting 1 MESSAGE 3EQ 12 2 1 MESSAGE 3 MESSAGE 28 1 MESSAGE MESSAGE 28 1 MESSAGE DONE 1 MESS DONE 1 MES 27 30 1 MES ANYKEY 1 LET 26 20 1 LET 26 2 DONE 1 EQ 54 254 ;ButIED 1 1 EQ 54 254 ;But for c WHATO 1 ADD Track-Info 1 ADD SYSMESS 26 1 ABSENT 0 ;and the lig 1 PRESENT 6 1 AUTOW 1 Top of file CTRL T ie value 20 1 RETURN CTRL M ie value 13 1 Page up CTRL R ie value 18 1 Page down CTRL C ie vSaved! 1 Goto line CTRL G ie value 7 1 End of file CTRL B ie value 2 1 Delete DEL ie value 127 1 Cursor up CTRL E ie value 5 1 Cursor right CTRL D ie value 4 1 Cursor left CTRL S ie value 19 1 Cursor down CTRL X ie value 24 1 1